Sunday, December 31, 2006

Count down for the New Year

Few more hours for 2007 to start.

Time is just flying.

Hope that the new year will be filled with new joy,new beginnings, happiness ,success and all the hopes and dreams will be fulfilled.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Destiny/Choices in life?

Is there really anything called "Destiny".

I know that a lot of people say something like "whatever happens, happens for a reason".
I don't know if it is just to make someone feel better and not think much about what has happened / if there is really something called "destiny".

A lot of times, I used to believe that your life is dependent on the choices we make.
And thats how my life seemed to me so far.
I believed that God would show you a direction , but it is upto you about what kind of efforts you make to get it/reach it/achieve it.

Inspite of many efforts,I really do not understand why certain things do seem so tough.
Is it just the time which would answer everything or Should I really believe in "destiny"?

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