Sunday, April 29, 2007

Time is flying

Time is flying like anything.

It is sometimes a strange feeling to accept the fact that I am getting old.I get this feeling so often.Sometimes it feels strange to see the kids in the neighborhood/relatives grow up so fast.

Everybody in the friends cirlce, getting busy in their own lives.
Time is so precious.Makes me think sometimes if I am able to enjoy the time that I already have.Most often, I spend the present time thinking about the future and thus, do not enjoy the current time.
How fair am I being to myself :)
Time flies only forwards...wish it could do the same backwards too.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Restless Mind

Deep thoughts

long silence

where am i heading to

where is the end

Why is my mind so restless!

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Silence can also be a communication.

Sometimes silence bothers you and it relaxes you sometimes.

A dear one or close one is someone who can understand your silence too....
Isn't it?
[But if someone is silent and there aren't any hints and can't figure out the reason, it could be a hell too]

Whoever said "Silence is gold" did say for some reason :)
Especially when you just regret for what you spoke and wished that you didn't .

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