Friday, November 30, 2007

Reap what you sow is always the case with me..reap what sow...
sometimes I wonder, some people get so lucky in life...but why is it in my case that I experience everything of my actions..won't there be sometime where I just get lucky ...:)

Had been neglecting few things and my pending to-do list grew and grew and became necessities
I just wonder,where did all my determination go...where did all my desire for being an organized person go..where did all my thirst for gettings things done go..over this period of time...why am I so disorganized??? is never too late...atleast I got something basic done today...happy atleast about it.. Hmm yeah...something to begin with rather than postponing it .Anyways..

Pondering on just "getting lucky"..aah..Luck (?) plays role certain times....aah... no...disorganized and confused about priorities...and blame it on luck....: ..not fair.

What is it when you miss the connecting bus because of heavy traffic... could have always taken a cab...bad planning!!

What is it that I don't find my documents exactly when I need them for some work.
Come on..this clearly shows that you are careless and disorganized.Don't blame it on luck.

What is it when my ssn doesn't match when someone is checking my records in a govt office..
well...i don't know this part.what to call it...

What is it when it is so very damn freezing and you don't have gloves... didn't prepare well for winter !!

Why don't I give importance to myself it that I am it that I lost interest it that I am lazy...but if I had to do the samething to help someone else ,I would do...does it mean , I do it as an obligation, do I do it to make others happy, or is that I cannot say No, or do I think it is great to help out ppl at the expense of troubling myself?

Not sure about the answers for above questions..
One thing is sure..that I think a lot for irrelevant stuff than relevant :)

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