Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sleepless in .......

Time is past two in the night..

Feel like sleeping but cannot sleep.
Did I have too much coffee? Not really.
I was determined to sleep well tonight as i was feeling that I wasn't getting enough sleep these days. And huh...look what i am doing now.
Errands to do the next day will I get up if I sleep late?But can't sleep.phew...I am yawning but can't sleep.
Peeped out of the window...hmm clear sky and can see the moon and stars for a change.
So what to do now?
Why not favorite chocolate and music and try to sleep again?

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Good Friends

We share our dreams with each other.
We have a heart to heart conversation with each other.
When you feel sad, you feel like talking to a good friend,vent out frustration.
Share happiness with a good friend.
Share insecurities and wish well for each other.

It bothers when a good friend feels sad.
It is even frustrating when nobody understands your friend and something important is turning out in the life against your friend's wish, but you can't help other than trying to convince that probably that is the best thing to happen and advice to be optimistic.

Why is life so complicated.
Hmm people complicate life..I know !!!

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