Thursday, April 30, 2009

Freedom, identity

I was given this youtube link to Sudha Murthy's speech at Berkeley.

She is someone who ofcourse most of the girls look upto . She had set a great example in every way to every aspiring and ambitious young woman.

I was reading this article and she exactly termed what I always think about how a marriage should be , as in partners complementing each other however different they are.
Man or a woman is incomplete without a partner and that partner has to be someone who understands you and complements you in such a way that you become complete.
Two people can be quite different in their own way, as what Mrs. Sudha said, that she is an extrovert and her husband is an introvert. 
It isn't about being the same way, rather, it is liking the way your spouse is and encouraging each other's aspirations and goals.

She is so commendable. How many of us who really have time to invest in doing something useful?
If not useful for someone else but for our own self and for our own people? As far as talking or thoughts are concerned, every reasonable human being says that they commend and "want to" help people but what are you doing for your own self ? 
All we know is when somebody gives a reality check to us, we don't want to accept the fact but rather immediately allege that person. How many of us are truthful to ourselves?
To be a better human being is the first step towards helping the society. Refine and help yourself first before even thinking of helping others. If you can't help yourself and if you can't be truthful to your own self and can't figure out the confusion in mind and can't introspect yourself and do something about it , can you do something for others?
Either we are so busy in lives and give excuse that need some time for ourselves to relax or so jobless in having pointless fun .
One needs to have a solid identity , individuality, opinions of your own and self respect to be successful in life.
Not some identity to show to the world and identity that you have within yourself.
If that is done ;  there is always a conflict & struggle in yourself.
Have your own identity and take pride in it. We don't need somebody else's certiciate to impress others.

Coming back to Mrs. Murthy's above mentioned article , her statement about women:
Women have that extra quality of adaptability and learn to fit into different shoes.  But we are our own selves still.  And we
have to exact our freedom by making the right choices in our lives,dictated by us and not by the world.

I think for any man or woman to succeed, apart from everything that I mentioned above,   a great deal of support and understanding from the family too  is needed, to give the ability to "exact our freedom" .  Isn't it? 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

At twilight?

I have been walking, walking and walking
finding out the way myself
There were many hurdles
But I continued
resisting and insisting
Am not sure
if I am clear and focussed
but I am so tired and alight
and feel as if I am at twilight.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Thoughts for the day

Successful people embrace problems and unsuccesful people avoid problems and never truly do anything to solve them.

A video with good motivational quotes :

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Give me

What will make me peaceful and happy?
What do I want?
I keep asking myself.

I want to feel secure.
I want to feel that I dont have to worry about tomorrow.
I want to be without any pressure and without being answerable to anyone.

Am I asking for too much? I have been truthful and faithful.
God, Please be fair to me now!

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