Sunday, May 09, 2010

Known Universe

How much do we know and how much we don't?
Are we the only ones in the whole universe?
How were we formed? What is going to happen in few more hundreds and thousands of years?
Could there be some other galaxy and some other earth like planet where there are "people"? How do they look and what do they do? How advanced could they be?
Very intriguing.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Into the future

I think people who have been following Stephen Hawking's programme of late have started pondering about the possibility of travel within the time - into the future.
I noticed some blogs today about the same and I couldn't really understand much.
In theory, looks like Hawking said it could be possible, with some "if"s to go into future, provided some time machine like thing could travel with the speed of light.I wish I could atleast understand 0.01% of it. With my little brain, I was thinking that even if someone travels with speed of light, and considering that is future? (still can't understand how it would be future), rest of the world is still in the present, right? (Yeah i am actually scratching my head now, thinking about this) if everyone else is in present, how could we say someone went into future. Nothing really happens there if you are the only one in there? (tapping my head now).
Someone else drew an anology that sun , is several light years away from us, and the sunrays reach here after about 8 mins. So, my little brain thinks, that should that mean that present for us is past @ sun? Well it took sometime though. (banging my head now)
Darn..can't understand..and yeah it is 1AM and it is a week day. I felt as if I understood sometime I can't...relativity...nah..insanity at this time.


Clicked this as I was just walking in the apartment complex.
As I was looking at the picture, was thinking how would it look if I draw it.
Need to attempt it. For some reason, right since my childhood, if I look at a view that I really like, I would immediately think of drawing it and coloring it.
Have been looking around for some local art classes but most are offered for the kids.
I would love to learn along with kids, but well...yeah I don't want to come across as wierd..need to find something offered for the adults that doesn't cost me a fortune.

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