Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Random-er(r) thoughts

Realization of the day:

Walking with wrong shoes indeed will cause something called blisters in feet.

Pondering for the day:

Just like how we put the computers to sleep mode, I wish we could do that to our mind. Just put it to sleep mode and no other thoughts or disturbing dreams.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thoughts and Questions..

Strangest thought of the day:
Why can't shadows be in color?

Philosophical(?) thought of the day:
If all the present suffering is because of the deeds of past janma, what is this janma about? If accounts are settled, no rebirth?

Quote of the day:
Certain things are better done in person (From the book I am reading )

Most criticizing thought for self:

Don't go after power and don't compare yourself.
Why do I forget this once in a while?

Question to be answered:
Why do some people take some for granted and why do some people let themselves to be taken for granted?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


ఒక అలిసిపోయిన క్షణంలో
ఎవరికైనా మాత్రం ఏం అనిపిస్తుంది
ఇష్టమైన వారి కళ్ళలో చూస్తూ
రేపటి గురించిన ఏ ఆలోచన లేకుండా
సేద తీరాలని అనిపిస్తుందేమో?
కళ్ళెప్పుడూ అబద్దమాడవట
నీ కళ్ళని చూడాలని
ఆ కళ్ళలో ప్రేమని అన్వేషించాలని
ఏంటో ఒక పిచ్చి అభిలాష...

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