Thursday, January 27, 2011


Face is the index of mind.
It is so easy to find out looking at my face sometimes when I am irritated.
Sometimes, I still can maintain composure and not express anything and be so poised that some people think that I am an epitome of patience.
But sometimes, it is just written all over the face that I am so very irritated.
Today was one of those days that I couldn't do good job in hiding my feelings.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Looking ahead and focussed

"Looking ahead and focussed" -> Do these words sound so positive?
Right->Absolutely positive words when you attribute them to someone.
They applied to me so very much y'day when I was driving but wasn't so happy about it. It was quite dumb of me.Darn.
I was driving and needed to park when I reached a certain place. All I was doing was very much looking ahead and focussed to find a parking sign.And then, I found the sign "Additional parking--> ".
I was like, oh yeah, so that is the direction I need to go and park, fine but somewhere in the mind, I was thinking, it said "additional" parking, where is the actual parking. Then I quickly justified that, since the building was on the left, probably there is parking over there meant only for the employees of the building and I shouldn't be thinking too much about the adjective "additional".
I parked at the "additional" parking and was totally lost and how do I get to the building-> I don't see the pedestrian walk way. Then I realize, there is that parking garage , right next to the additional parking and I just walk into it , take some stairs, go up and down and then find a pedestrian walkway which led me into the building. And I am so enlightened that while I was driving , all I had to when I saw that "additional parking" "ahead" of me was to slightly turn my head on to the right side to see that parking garage, rather than looking ahead so much and being focussed and finding that additional parking.
Darn, I was so embarassed and had tough time believing I can be so stupid.
No wonder, my folks say that I just go by the book and don't apply common sense at all. Darn.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Being ourselves

Generally we hear this phrase a lot of times, "Be yourself".
It used to me make me wonder that why do people advise others to be yourself.
What else can people be other than being themselves.

But sometimes, yes, people do and say things just to impress people though it is not themselves.
Either to impress, patronize others, or expecting some favor in return, reason could be anything.

How much are we ourselves on a day to day basis?
Some random silly thought on a weekend night.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Birthday

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