Saturday, February 11, 2012

Stay at home?

I attended a women's network session recently as per some request at my work place and there were couple of our executives who were talking and sharing their experiences. One of the questions they received was, how do they actually balance their super busy work life with life at home. Both of them surprisingly (for me)said that their respective husbands stay at home and take care of kids.

It made me think few things. Well, I could be very prejudiced. I absolutely know it is the compatibility between a couple that makes the marriage work and love and affection and things like that. As much ambitious as I am, it is very hard for me to think that I can ever ask my husband (when I am married) to stay at home and take care of the kids, while I could go to office and work. I don't think I can imagine that. Well, nobody is asking me to do that. Just the thought that , I kind of expect the guy to be very successful to actually get married to him and expect him to be superior - as in a step ahead of me or at least equal to me , to actually make me think of him as a husband. Well, that's my thinking for now. We never know when it changes though.

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