Sunday, May 20, 2012


I started something today that I always wanted all through my life. Joined a music class. That too , Carnatic vocal music class. I saw it was going to be a beginner class. I went and I found myself to be sitting with little kids who were singing pretty well already. My voice somehow couldn't rise much for Sa Pa Sa at all. I felt I was pathetic.Sarali Swaralu was what was done in the class. I came how, listened on youtube and started practising and I am happy now on how I am singing after little bit of practice. Long way to go, but the journey at least has begun.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Out of the way

తనకి మాలిన ధర్మం గురించి ఏదో సామెత ఉండాలి. తనకి మాలిన ధర్మం మొదలు చెడ్డ బేరం అని. Sometimes it is so true. May be it is always true. You genuinely want to make others happy by going all the way out and all you get to hear is that who asked you to do it. What is the point in making people happy. Lesson learnt is not to go out of the comfort zone ever because you will not be recognized but rather you shall be criticized and be hurt.

Image courtesy:

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Smart phone

I didn't have smart phone till today. Probably everyone feels ridiculous about it. The phone that I bought about 5 years back was still working and I was thinking that I use the phone as a phone anyways so what is the big deal. Today it stopped working and I was in panic. It is a saturday evening, roommate was also not there at home.Only text messaging seemed to be working. I went to the store and finally bought a smart phone.

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