Sunday, June 24, 2012

Meeting with friends

Met my friends this weekend. It was nice to spend time with the girls. We get to have so many heart to heart conversations and we give each other advices and sometimes, listening to friends' perspective is so enlightening. We were discussing something today and a friend gave a perspective today that was really insightful for me. When we go through a lot of pain sometimes that some relationship isn't being great as per our expectation, she was saying that instead of feeling bad, ask yourself on what is god trying to tell you , by making it not working for you? Pause and ask yourself, what is god trying to tell you. That's right. I never thought that way. Another thing that came up in the discussion was, you might be trying to be so very genuine to someone but that someone isn't liking it. Well for such people, you don't have to be genuine. Understand and think of this way, that , the other person is trying to tell you on how that person wants to be treated by you, by showing you the way, that person is treating you. Someone is showing the whole world that you are important to that person but in reality, does nothing to you or does nothing to care about your feelings? Do the same thing for that person too. Be nice on the outerside, you don't have to be genuine to someone, who doesn't want to be genuine to you. There is nothing wrong in it. Life is much simple that way and it is much less painful or painfree for you , if you take it that way. Stop being harsh and critical on yourself. And get rid of the pain in you that you are giving your 100% of your everything but you don't get the same thing back in return.

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