Thursday, July 26, 2012


Being hopeful is always good thing. Being optimistic is always good. But there were few times in life that I felt, I had been way too hopeful for something happened and in the process , haven't realized how much I have lost. Sometimes I am hopelessly so very hopeful.

Sunday, July 01, 2012


Went to buy some clothes for my niece and nephew on friday evening. There is so much joy in buying clothes for the kids. Just can't explain :) Lifts up my mood. Ate some frozen curry - I don't know why I like Paneer Hariyali frozen. This is the only thing I eat , that is ready made and frozen. Watched some telugu programme online - a singing competition and suddenly remembered that , after starting to learn music, this is the first time I was watching a competition. Watched a movie - vedam , which I haven't watched till now and somehow got way too emotional. As it is I wasn't in the best of the moods, I can't believe I got so emotional and cried so much. Very unlike me. Due to excessive crying, I got such a bad headache that I couldn't sleep well on friday night and it effected whole of my saturday. Didn't even step out.Did nothing useful much. Don't know how the day went by. Watched movie "Wake up Sid" and liked it. I spent some time, drawing.

I guess once in a while it is ok to do some useless timepass. Some thought was crossing my mind today while watching the movie that I should probably write a book or an article, on my life experiences. Well, nothing great but just putting down thoughts? May be I started thinking this because the heroine also had a passion of becoming a writer. I know I do enjoy writing. Well probably I shouldn't write as random as I write on my blog. A very different weekend so far. I know I am very grateful to my life and grateful to God, sometimes it is just some unwanted sadness comes in and takes time to settle in the thoughts. I know it is all in the mind. It is our thoughts that make us. I liked a quote today ""No one can destroy "iron", but its Own rust can! Likewise no one can destroy us, but Our own mindset can. Change your thoughts to change your life ! "

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