Thursday, September 27, 2012


Signed up and attended a class in continuing education in the prestigious university.
Just being in the campus and looking at students in the campus, students on bicycles, that environment somehow made me feel in different ways that I couldn't really figure out if I was feeling that I am missing the student life or I was feeling that I should have been in my actual student phase of life now or what. Regardless I think I feel happy that I at least did sign up for a course here that had been on my pending to do list for the longest time.
I really don't know if I can balance my work and the other courses that I signed up for and this course , but I am at least happy that I am trying out.

Image courtesy: Google /Wiki

Saturday, September 22, 2012


A sudden realization struck to me as I was in some thoughts today. Since my childhood,  my observation on what people were wearing was very weak. Lot of times, there used to be discussions sometimes among friends or so - when someone comes and goes , on what that person was wearing, in terms of clothes or if it is a female, the color of her nailpolish or her chain or ear rings etc. Somehow I could never notice such things. After a lot of such incidents that I could not recollect , I started thinking that something is probably wrong with my observation. My friends could not understand how can I not notice. Unless it is something extremely flashy , I couldn't really remember much on what people wore.

I suddenly realized that it isn't the clothes that I remember, I actually remember the conversations.
The realization comforted me little bit now that probably my energy is focused on the conversation and discussion. So, the realization is that I enjoy the ideas and conversations and not much of my brain is interested in what people are wearing.

Image courtesy: Google images

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