Saturday, October 20, 2012

Durga pooja

It was nice I could go and attend Durga pooja being done by the Bengali community here today.
One of my friends had told me almost a month back to mark my calendar for today and I remembered.
Happy Dasara !

Friday, October 12, 2012

Things automatically

Been to a meeting from the company on women's network.

There was some mention about differences between men and women, in terms of something like this:
Most women think they will automatically get some stuff such as if they work hard etc, someone is going to notice them and automatically things will happen to get them promoted. When it comes to men, they will know what they want and ask for it and make it happen.
I was thinking and telling myself that it is the case for me for most things, that I actually think that I would automatically get things in every sphere of my life. Why shouldn't I think so? Can't GOD make certain things happen automatically ?

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