Sunday, October 29, 2006


Some of the quotes which inspire me :

"Hardwork is the only investment that never fails"

I found this quote in a book when I was in high school and it keeps me motivated all the time and I assure myself that my hardwork won't go in vain.

"Deserve and then desire"

One of my instructors during College days told us this and I was influenced by it.It made me think a lot .
All of us want our dreams to come true,but, what is that really makes us deserve whatever we desire for?
Whenever I want something, I can always hear the voice of my Conscience , questioning me if I am making enough efforts for it and if I really deserve it.
Also,It always helps me know if I am desiring a right thing.

"Do your work and leave the rest to the GOD"

This probably is the essence of any religious book.

Whenever my anxiety increases ,thinking about any result, I try to tell myself that ,whatever could be done from myside is already done and be prepared for any result.

"Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tommorrow will be the result of your attitudes and choices you make today"

Another quote which is so very true.
Makes me to keep up postitive thinking and attitude.


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