Saturday, January 26, 2008

Random thoughts

Tired day and travel...
cruising at 37000 feet altitude
people around tired
I tried to relax and listen to music..

Something was different..don't know what i am missing..what i am longing for..
listening to mere music doesn't make me relax but makes me cry..makes me dull..make me miss something...

what is it that i am going thru?

Do I demand to know answers to every drop of tear I shed?
Or Am I just tired of life?
Is life getting monotonous? Time to think what next?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"The" waiting

Sometimes I think there is more excitement around giving something rather than receiving.

For example..waiting to see someone open a gift...or waiting to wish someone on a birthday...
Making plans on how and exactly accurately at the minute you want to wish..
butterflies in the stomach while waiting for the minute..
how annoyingly time moves slowly ..
but you wait patiently..
you just long for that moment...since someone is so special to you .... .

I wonder why is this so exciting that you just can't wait..
Is there more happiness in making someone happy..
is it your own tender/naive way of letting know that he/she/they mean so much to you or is it because some special moments are meant to be cherished and remembered?

I don't know.... .
[and the worst part(?)...inspite of all the waiting ...the concerned receiver on the otherside doesn't even know /care that you are waiting and you keep waiting and waiting..after "the" minute].

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Little did I know
when I was growing up
that life is full of struggle
Never did I imagine
that life is so different
from all my dreams
Nothing comforts me
when I am restless
nothing drives away my pain
when my hope is in vain
Why am I silent
what is that i even want
I feel hurt ...
deep within the soul...

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