Friday, February 27, 2009

Whats up with me?

Whats up with me?
As much as I wait for weekends, I don't want them too.
As much as I want to rest, I don't feel like going home.
What do I want?
Where do I want to go?
Is it that I want my own home?
Is it that I want my own world?
Sometimes, I feel I can't tell what I want, but I certainly know what I don't want.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's day

There lived a princess who dreamt about her prince charming , her love, who could read her mind like a mirror, who could hear the unspoken words ,who would care for her like nobody else in the world.
Wondering what he is waiting for ,to come and take her along.
She wants to say

Reach me out when you can't be alone
be in my arms when you want comfort
Wake me up when you can't sleep
Can we be together as long as we live?

Happy Valentine's day !
May all the lovers in the world be together always!
.... .

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Techie dependent

Technology is a part of daily life and can't think of life without computers these days. Way too dependent on it and feel handicapped without internet and computers.
Sometimes I get some funny thoughts.

I wasn't finding something at home and wished if I could somehow do a magical "search" and I could the exact location of where my thing is. Something like our operating system's search feature where we can either search by filename or a word in a file.
How convenient it is gonna be..isn't it?

When my mind is so very disturbed and can't sleep, I wish there is a shutdown option or a sleep option that I could shutdown my thoughts and sleep peacefully.

Sometimes when I am too tired,I wish there is a recharge option just like how I recharge my laptop's battery.
Why can't stupid Sravya realize that I gotto eat which is nothing but recharging.

This one probably happens to most..When I was dialing a number from landline from home, I was dialing with 9 in front.
Damn..spending too much time at work?

If I am typing something on paper...well..I mean..if I am writing something on paper, I sometimes wish there is a cut and copy option too.
Oops...lazy me.

Sometimes when I do some stupid stuff or when I have to redo anything, I really wish there is an "undo" option or a rollback.
I was typing a message oneday that "I got downloaded" (Well I meant to type "I got down" as in a bus / train)
Oops...God forbid, would mankind see a day when this would be meaningful one in humans can be downloaded and uploaded too. Kind of a scary thought though...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A quest for the unknown

What is my quest
who am I within?
would I succeed in knowing
an unknown myself ?
Why and then what?

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Go getter

Are you a go-getter?

I think all the successful people are indeed go-getters.(well,I don't need this "i think" phrase is the fact !! ). If you need something, just go after it and relax only upon achieving it.

Sometimes, inspite of working towards something there is always this luck factor too.
I almost got everything done today from my to-do list.
Little of self-discipline is what is needed probably to get things organized and the way we want them to work.
Laziness and procrastination, biggest enemies .

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Why do relationships see a failure?
Is it because of expectations?
Is it because of possessiveness?
Is it because of fickle minds?
Is it because of commitment issues?
Can't love last for a life time?
Do people get bored with one person after sometime?
Once another interesting person is found, the previous doesn't seem appealing anymore?
Why do people cheat on their spouses? Lack of understanding/lack of love/lack of attention?
Is it that nobody wants to adjust or behave as per the mood of their partner?
It isn't losing their individuality, just a matter of accomodating each others' interests in a companionship and caring about each other.
Is it so difficult to love someone all the time and be in a blissful relationship?

How can someone leave spouse and what about the kids then? It isn't fair for the kids to be brought up by a single parent. Hmm...I wish I had the power to bind all the couples in the world blissfully together.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Without missing someone

without longing for something
without waiting for someone
without love
without pain
without getting hurt
without tears
without sorrow
without frustrations
without troubles
without emptiness
could there be a life?
And even if there does, can its worth be known?

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