Sunday, October 25, 2009


Thoughts live, they travel far. I think this was Vivekananda's quote.

I was reading this book and infact there are many amazing facts about thoughts and the power of thoughts. I am sure most of us do atleast know and experience atleast a little bit of these thought powers but never utilize in a best way or fully. Quite an interesting read.
One of the lines in this book, "Destroy random thinking " :) When I read that sentence I just smiled that my blog is all about my random thoughts. Ofcourse, what is meant in the book is in a different context in a different way but I was just smiling. Anyways, got to see how much to unleash the random thoughts.

Image courtesy: Google images

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Deepavali !
Whether the actual story was from Treta yuga signifying Rama's return to Ayodhya or if it is from Dwapara yuga signifying Satyabhama's victory over Narakasura, both definitely mean "Victory of good over evil".

Hope everybody can conquer the evil within themselves and mark the victory of good, today and always and make the human life much more enjoyable and peaceful.

Happy Deepavali :)

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Natural calamities

Was watching the flood affected areas in AP on tv.
Absolutely devastating to those areas .
How much ever we donate money, sitting happily in the luxury of our own homes, the affected really need some man help to transport food, water and clothes.
A relief van goes to some center in the town and people fight to grab that food to feed their people who are stuck somewhere. It is devastating to see such helplessness.
Wish someone has some power to see that nobody in the world ever has these kind of problems.

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