Sunday, October 25, 2009


Thoughts live, they travel far. I think this was Vivekananda's quote.

I was reading this book and infact there are many amazing facts about thoughts and the power of thoughts. I am sure most of us do atleast know and experience atleast a little bit of these thought powers but never utilize in a best way or fully. Quite an interesting read.
One of the lines in this book, "Destroy random thinking " :) When I read that sentence I just smiled that my blog is all about my random thoughts. Ofcourse, what is meant in the book is in a different context in a different way but I was just smiling. Anyways, got to see how much to unleash the random thoughts.

Image courtesy: Google images


author_number_2 Thursday, 29 October, 2009  

thanks for sharing the book! shall read it soon.

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