Sunday, August 29, 2010

I wanna...

"Give me another chance
I wanna grow up once again "

How many times in life did we think of this, that given a chance, we would want to grow up again. I don't know if I want to grow up again all over but I would want to go back to a specific time in life and, given a chance make it more lovely and beautiful and live happily ever.

Sometimes I wonder, if certain things are going exactly how you wished and prayed, if anyone casts an evil eye and everything goes in way leaving the heart deeply wounded.

I don't know if one should be sad on something that hasn't happened, feel unfortunate or what? Certain things and days leave both happiness and pain behind.
How could god plan such an event and a game with us, humans that some days leave the fondest memories and fulfillment but yet they cause immense pain. Pain is what probably the humans create for themselves?

Life makes me think many things for which I don't have proper answers - what is it that we are born for? Yearn for? Is it bad to follow your heart? Go by the instincts?
I thought I had been following my heart and that is the best thing to do when I am so clear in my mind. I thought as long as I don't mean any harm to anyone, I am leading a good life and god would give me everything that I wish for? Am I right?
Is there really called Karma - to attribute when certain things don't really happen?
Does god give everyone what they need and what they deserve?
What is the motto of life? Why is love important in life? Why does God put the human beings through these emotions, attachments, love , heart breaks, pain and suffering ? What is loving with pure heart? Why does it feel that talking to some make us feel that you are my someone?Why can't everyone have happy lives? Why is love so powerful, painful, wonderful yet devastating to some?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Color Color

If anyone asks me my favorite color, I realized that the way I answer is all about me interepreting the questions as "What is your favorite color that you like to wear".

I don't know why I associate the favorite color to only clothing?
Is that the common association in general for us with colors?
Is it just me?
How do you interpret the question "Your favorite color?"

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

What is so intriguing?

Sometimes I wonder, what is it that is so intriguing to guys about girls who are quiet and who mind their business.
I can't generalize to everyone but there are always some group of guys who are extra curious.
In a professional environment, we come to work, mind our business, talk as much as needed and go. What is so intriguing about single girls? These guys have an issue with girls who talk as well and girls who don't as well.
College environment and office environment are different. Isn't it?

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