Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dream away..

I had been reading this book and had been a good read.
I cannot sleep even a single day without dreams and any insight into the dreams is interesting to me. I did read Sigmund Freud's "Interpretation of dreams". And I recently came across this one by Swami Sivananda and it has been interesting read.

Some excerpts :

The reactions to dreams differ according to mental disposition, temperament and diet of the person.

All dreams are affairs of mere seconds. Within ten seconds you will experience dreams wherein the events of several years happen.

Some get dreams occasionally, while some others experience dreams daily. They can never have sleep without dreams.

Certain kinds of external sounds such as the ringing of a bell, the noise of alarm-clock, knocks on the door or the wall, the blowing of wind, the drizzling of rain, the rustling of leaves, the blowing of the horn of a motor car, the cracking of the window etc., may produce in the mind of the dreamer variety of imaginations. They generate certain sensations, which increase according to the power of imagination of the sleeper and the sensitiveness of his mind. These sounds cause very elaborate dreams.

Dreams, though of a strange and illusory nature, are a good index of the high or low spiritual and moral condition of the dreamer. He, who has a pure heart and untainted character, will never get impure dreams.

During sleep, sometimes we are conscious of the fact that we are asleep and we are dreaming.


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