Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Random ...

Purpose of life - Wondered about it many times.
I don't think I arrived at a conclusion on what could be the purpose of my life.
I don't know if anyone can understand very well on what does their soul want.
It isn't probably easy to think on that level - at least for me - to think on what would feed someone's soul, what would make the soul inside us content. Unless there is a general sense of security with the life , it is really hard to think about such things. We are always worried about the security in any kind of sense, whether it is emotional, financial , personal etc. Even to achieve success , to be able to go after things we always wanted to , a sense of stability and security in personal life is so very needed.

I was in one of the conferences few months ago when someone asked a CEO of a business unit about secret behind his success. He was saying that he is not afraid of failure. He has financial stability - so he doesn't really have to worry on taking risks, he has peace at home as he has a wonderful wife who takes care of house and children very well that he doesn't have to worry about them. I was thinking that it is so important after a certain stage in life to have some balance in personal life. 

Sunday, December 09, 2012

When did you graduate

If asking age is considered not polite, how is asking "when did you graduate" , a polite question. Yes, it does sound polite but the underlying intention of asking the question is always to assess the age. Yeah right, I really think you are so interested in knowing when I graduated. Stop being nosy !! Huh!!

Some people have a strange way of asking, when did you "pass out" - well., do you know the meaning of "pass out". It really doesn't sound well here, at least in the US. Please check the dictionary meaning for pass out.

Do I expect way too much for people to be refined? Or do I crib way too much sometimes.


Monday, December 03, 2012

Live your life

Everyone likes to live their life the way they want. I wonder why some people think we are missing out on life. Is trying alcohol so important in life? Is having a boy friend so important in life?
I don't fully understand when people, sometimes some of my very good friends, advise me that I should try alcohol. I think their point is that I take life way too seriously and don't enjoy the life or live my life. I am not sure if I ever understand their point fully.
For now, I feel , I am living my life as I want and I don't really regret not trying alcohol as I don't want to and I am not interested.

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