Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Random ...

Purpose of life - Wondered about it many times.
I don't think I arrived at a conclusion on what could be the purpose of my life.
I don't know if anyone can understand very well on what does their soul want.
It isn't probably easy to think on that level - at least for me - to think on what would feed someone's soul, what would make the soul inside us content. Unless there is a general sense of security with the life , it is really hard to think about such things. We are always worried about the security in any kind of sense, whether it is emotional, financial , personal etc. Even to achieve success , to be able to go after things we always wanted to , a sense of stability and security in personal life is so very needed.

I was in one of the conferences few months ago when someone asked a CEO of a business unit about secret behind his success. He was saying that he is not afraid of failure. He has financial stability - so he doesn't really have to worry on taking risks, he has peace at home as he has a wonderful wife who takes care of house and children very well that he doesn't have to worry about them. I was thinking that it is so important after a certain stage in life to have some balance in personal life. 


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