Thursday, June 26, 2008

Born to struggle

A young aspiring student , wanted to achieve big in life.
She is lucky enough and blessed to have a wonderful family, good friends .
She had aspiration ,enthusiasm , but no direction on how to achieve it.
She worked hard, graduated.She dreamt to land in a good job, but fate and choices and decisions were tough on her.
She still believed in herself and god and progressed slowly.
Yeah...Sloooooooooooooowly.... some of the decisions turn out to be very expensive.
The struggle goes on and on and on.
Settlement never seem to really happen.
The enthusiam and aspiration died down somewhere.
Work has been worship at one point of time for her.
Now, work wise,the very thought of a new interview scares her. She gets so nervous.
Something always bothers her , feels so hurt ,insecure and inferior and unlucky.Lost interest in anything. She now hates to struggle so much and questions God on why he never gives her anything that she wanted dearly. Isn't he being so tough ? Does god love to see her shedding tears? Does he think she should earn and deserve everything she wishes .Does he expect her to have a lot of patience. How much ever she motivates herself, an added pressure is what takes a toll on her..she has been that ultra sensitive girl trying to be tough ..but she is tired now and can't handle anymore.
Damn...This is giving up for no reason. Can't afford to be a loser !!!


author_number_2 Saturday, 20 June, 2009  

in a way, most lives are this way. but it is our determination to get things done that decides our fate i guess. good luck!

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