Saturday, September 20, 2008


Since last night , somehow I have been feeling nervous. I could hear my own heartbeat last night. Had tough time sleeping.

What could be wrong?
Whenever I feel little restless, I fear about all my dear ones. I don't know why I feel so?
This morning, I was very nervous and I was so very restless. I don't think I ever felt this way.

Nervousness does happen to me sometimes if I have an exam or an interview. But it is weekend now and I am not really preparing for anything now?Whats wrong?

Is it just the weather that is making me feel this way or do I need to get my hormones checked?
As long as it is either or both of the above, it is still okay !!
Hope everybody is doing good !

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


One of my co-workers in my previous company asked me once if my sun sign was Virgo .
I was little surprised that she said , she guessed it through her observation.
I didn't quite believe that she really guessed it. I thought she looked up my birthday on the intranet and it is just her mere obsession with the zodiac signs that made her believe that people can be categorised based on the sun signs.

Anyways, so.. during that time, since I did not have any good timepass during the weekends, I bought this book, which my co-worker proudly claims as the source of her knowledge on sun signs, "Linda goodman's sunsigns" .

Indeed , it had a lot of information . Every zodiac sign was categorised into , "How to recognize this sunsign, how are those men, how are those women, how are they as employers and employees as well. Since I was dubious, I thought "let me read about my sun sign and see if I can agree to some of the points". I thought the book might have information which is kind of generic that can be applied to anybody.
Anyways, I can't really say that I have all those qualities which she mentioned in the book but I do agree to some of these points :)

By the way, here is a link online

How to recognize :

  • See that quiet girl with the beautiful, soft eyes, waiting for the bus? Notice her spick-and-span white gloves, her cool manner. She'll have the exact coins for the fare ready in her hand. She wouldn't dream of asking the bus driver to change a five dollar bill. She's a Virgo.

Hmm agreeed(about having the exact coins part) , I always used to and preferred to carry the exact change in India too, when I had to take a bus :)

  • The first thing you'll notice about the typical Virgo is the definite impression he gives that there's a serious problem on his mind he's struggling to solve-or a vague feeling that he's secretly worried about something. He probably is. Worry comes naturally to him.

Hehe...Yeah , I think probably I too leave an impression to people that there is a serious problem in my mind. BTW...the sentence is bold is correct too.

  • The Virgo is normally a small person, certainly no giant.

Agreed. I am small :) and so are some of my virgo friends.

  • Virgos are unquestionably dependable and sincere.

I hope that's what my friends think of me.

  • Virgos who travel often take their portable drugstores right along with them.

I don't travel often but still carry some medicines in my handbag....just in know!!

  • Strangely, as willing as Virgos are to give efficient service to others, they have an almost neurotic and intense dislike of accepting favors themselves. They don't want to be obligated to anyone for any reason. And they don't want to depend on anyone but themselves for anything.

Hmm..Quite true.

So that is about , general characteristic, irrespective of the gender.

Can't comment much about virgo men, but as a woman, here are some things that I can agree about what she wrote about virgo women. ( Agreeing to some because, they are quite flattering..hehe..and others are true ).
  • It's quite true that she's basically shy. No argument there
  • Once she's accepted a love as true and ideal, the purity of her own concept of the relationship reigns supreme over all the pieces of legal paper in the world. She's the one woman in the zodiac who can be deadly practical and divinely romantic at the same time.
  • there's a mysterious, quiet, waiting quality in this woman.
  • She is basically pure-minded-true. But so is love.
  • Brush up on your manners and your grammar if you're dating a Virgo female.
  • To criticize is as natural to her as breathing is to you.
  • Of her it can be truly said that she's "her own worst critic."
  • One nice thing about being in love with this woman is that she'll do all your worrying for you, and possibly even enjoy it.
  • Ordinarily, if she really loves you, you'd be safe to trust the typical Virginian woman with the sexiest man you know on a desert island
  • The Virgo girl is annoyingly meticulous about small things, but she can also be the kindest, most generous and affectionate little creature in the world.
  • Even while she's irritating you with her critical ways, there's a lovable quality about her that's downright irresistible.
  • To her, truth is beauty-and beauty is truth.
  • She'll share herself cautiously, only with one she trusts, and little things mean a lot to her.
  • Despite her modesty and natural shyness, she's tough enough and strong enough for others to find comforting when dark clouds gather. The quiet courage and deep sense of responsibility of Virgo women often acts as a magic glue to hold large families together. She'll probably be a good cook, and she'll never poison you with her soup. Your house will be clean and cozy.

Wow...she indeed wrote a lot of nice qualities about virgo women :) Very flattering !

Some more...describing virgo wife ....

"if you have a really typical Virgo wife, your house may be full of the heavenly mixed fragrance of fresh flowers and hot home-made bread baking crisply in the oven. It's pretty nice to come home to. She'll dust off all your old dreams and make them shine again, and you'll have a woman who will never borrow your razor or use your toothbrush for her mascara. She'll nurse you like an angel when you're ill, and she won't embarrass you by flirting with your best friend. She'll dress neatly and be able to talk with you about something besides diapers and beauty parlor gossip. You'll get every ounce of loyalty and devotion you deserve. She won't throw emotional scenes of jealousy or throw your money away foolishly. She'll keep your secrets in her heart, help you organize your work, and probably won't get wrinkled in middle age. Her eyes are cool pools of pure love, and when she smiles, she can light up a whole room with her radiance. Better keep her. You may never get so lucky again." !!

Very very flattering indeed :) So I don't really know what all the other sun signs have, but quite lot of nice things about virgo women to read about and have a nice feeling , timepass, smile and let it go !

Happy Birthday to my fellow Virgos and myself :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

kahaan gaya woh sab...

"Saare sapne kahin kho gaye...
haai hum kya se kya hogaye.."

Over the years, we all change.
But somehow, of late , I started to realize that I have changed so much.
The enthusiasam in me died down.
Where is that ambitousness gone? That was the quality that always distinguished me from all my other friends. Hmm !

Why am I so dull and pale now ?

Even if I see a beautiful sight, నాలో ఏమీ స్పందన లేదు...మెదడు బొత్తిగా మొద్దుబారిపోతోందా నాకు ?నువ్వేనా నా నువ్వేనా పాటలాగా, నేనేనా అని పాడుకోవాలో ఏమో...
బద్దకమా, నీరసమా, నిరాశా, నిర్లిప్తతా?ఏదైనా సరే...అసలు అవసరమా ఇప్పుడు?ఏమిటో ఇలా శూన్యం లోకి చూస్తూ timewaste చెయ్యడం నా మొహం!!అమ్మమ్మ చెప్పే సామెత ,"బద్దకం పరమ దరిద్రం" నిజమే బాబోయ్ .

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