Saturday, September 20, 2008


Since last night , somehow I have been feeling nervous. I could hear my own heartbeat last night. Had tough time sleeping.

What could be wrong?
Whenever I feel little restless, I fear about all my dear ones. I don't know why I feel so?
This morning, I was very nervous and I was so very restless. I don't think I ever felt this way.

Nervousness does happen to me sometimes if I have an exam or an interview. But it is weekend now and I am not really preparing for anything now?Whats wrong?

Is it just the weather that is making me feel this way or do I need to get my hormones checked?
As long as it is either or both of the above, it is still okay !!
Hope everybody is doing good !


Anonymous Sunday, 28 September, 2008  

Hello andi was directed to your songs blog when I was searching for Marugelara O Raghava. Then was curious and looked up your blog. Liked your posts and taste in songs. Not sure why but I sense a feeling of melancholy in you. Hope all your wishes come true and you find a good life partner. Take care.

Sravya Tuesday, 30 September, 2008  

Thank you :)

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