Sunday, October 12, 2008

Observing people...

These days, I have been taking public transportation to work.Though I am always lost in my own thoughts, I do tend to notice people sometimes. Oneday, someone in the bus just wished the other person ,asking where he works ..or something like that. The man didn't say anything..he was seriously typing something on his pocket PC.It looked as if it was rude of him(by not acknowledging). But then, he showed whatever he typed to the man who spoke to him. I then realized , that this man can't really speak anything other than saying "NO". They kept conversing..this man was typing his messages and the other man kept talking.
I suddenly felt, that he had such a disability(?) but still he is so happy, he even goes to work all by himself and seem to be content.
I do see people getting into the train, who are blind.
They do not expect or ask for sympathy. They take their challenges, win over them rather than giving up and waiting that something will happen.
When compared , we are all blessed to be normal. But we do have to win over some of our potential enemies such as procrastination, laziness.


Anonymous Monday, 13 October, 2008  

This reminded me. A year ago, I was in the middle of a crisis, ready to give up on everything, when I met this fabulous young man on the bus. I am not sure what he was suffering from, but his body was totally distorted and he was using one of those scooter type things with an onboard typing device to communicate. He was so passionate about what he was learning at the technical college. We always take our health and well being for granted, but sometimes we need such reminders from life about the enduring human spirit. Then our problems seem so trivial. Take care.

Sravya Monday, 13 October, 2008  

So true Satya !
We indeed take our well-being for granted.

author_number_2 Saturday, 20 June, 2009  

inspiring incident. I'd a friend who stayed couple of houses away from ours. he was unable to walk as his organs failed him. some sort of multiple organ failure. he didn't deter and went to complete his degree. sadly, he passed away two months ago.

he always inspired me to work hard. thanks for sharing.

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