Wednesday, October 22, 2008



Exactly on a day when you are casually dressed, it so happens that everybody at work gets to see you .
Damn...There was a fire emergency today (false though ) and all of us had to go out of the building for sometime. I am somehow looking tired and pale today...and everybody including our executive director were there.

Exactly when I am doing something important, computer hangs up.

Exactly when I am in a hurry, I either miss the bus or bus is late.

Exactly when I pack hot Indian food hurriedly , bag smells so much and the same very day , bus will be crowded .
...and people get to give me some nasty looks.

Exactly when I am waiting for an important mail , I get most number of junk mails except the one I am waiting for.

Exactly when I am waiting for an interview call, my cell phone doesn't receive incoming calls for sometime.
...and I don't even realize it.

Exactly when I angrily call up customer service, their voice recognition system doesn't recognize what I speak and refuses to connect to the operator till I speak something that it understands.
Worst part...even after uttering something, it once said, you said you wanted to disconnect .Is it?

Exactly when I type a long mail , I lose it .

Exactly when someone is clicking a photo , I close my eyes.

Such things actually seem so trivial and when I remember later, I laugh so much , but they irritate at that moment ! :)


Anonymous Wednesday, 22 October, 2008  


~ !

kiran katragadda Thursday, 23 October, 2008  
This comment has been removed by the author.
kiran katragadda Thursday, 23 October, 2008  

good one :)

By the way are u feeling good now?, i remember reading about ur nervousness.

Sravya Thursday, 23 October, 2008  

Thanks Kiran.
Am doing good now :) Thanks for asking !

author_number_2 Saturday, 20 June, 2009  

the other day, i needed an urgent appointment with a professor and guess what? he was out of town for the rest of the week! i think we're made to wait that 'extra' to realize how important it is to us.

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