Wednesday, October 22, 2008



Exactly on a day when you are casually dressed, it so happens that everybody at work gets to see you .
Damn...There was a fire emergency today (false though ) and all of us had to go out of the building for sometime. I am somehow looking tired and pale today...and everybody including our executive director were there.

Exactly when I am doing something important, computer hangs up.

Exactly when I am in a hurry, I either miss the bus or bus is late.

Exactly when I pack hot Indian food hurriedly , bag smells so much and the same very day , bus will be crowded .
...and people get to give me some nasty looks.

Exactly when I am waiting for an important mail , I get most number of junk mails except the one I am waiting for.

Exactly when I am waiting for an interview call, my cell phone doesn't receive incoming calls for sometime.
...and I don't even realize it.

Exactly when I angrily call up customer service, their voice recognition system doesn't recognize what I speak and refuses to connect to the operator till I speak something that it understands.
Worst part...even after uttering something, it once said, you said you wanted to disconnect .Is it?

Exactly when I type a long mail , I lose it .

Exactly when someone is clicking a photo , I close my eyes.

Such things actually seem so trivial and when I remember later, I laugh so much , but they irritate at that moment ! :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Destiny revisited

I happened to come across this video on youtube.
Whenever I think about destiny, I argue with myself that it is not the destiny, but your own choices in life. But sometimes , may be when things don't work my way, I blame the destiny.Quite true on what this guy is saying.
Cosciously or unconsciously, it is our actions that make or not make things happen.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Observing people...

These days, I have been taking public transportation to work.Though I am always lost in my own thoughts, I do tend to notice people sometimes. Oneday, someone in the bus just wished the other person ,asking where he works ..or something like that. The man didn't say anything..he was seriously typing something on his pocket PC.It looked as if it was rude of him(by not acknowledging). But then, he showed whatever he typed to the man who spoke to him. I then realized , that this man can't really speak anything other than saying "NO". They kept conversing..this man was typing his messages and the other man kept talking.
I suddenly felt, that he had such a disability(?) but still he is so happy, he even goes to work all by himself and seem to be content.
I do see people getting into the train, who are blind.
They do not expect or ask for sympathy. They take their challenges, win over them rather than giving up and waiting that something will happen.
When compared , we are all blessed to be normal. But we do have to win over some of our potential enemies such as procrastination, laziness.

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