Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dumb Dumber Dumbest

Looking at the title of this post, don't think I am trying to get into english grammar .
I was thinking of the dumbest things that I did of late.
Well...I keep doing some or the other absent minded stuff, but sometimes I just think, "oh Am I really so dumb".

I am not so used to a docking station for the laptop at work and took a couple of minutes to figure out how to undock it. Dumb !!!

Two trains were waiting in the morning at the starting station , I just had one more minute left for train and I saw a train which had a driver. (Both the trains actually goto the same destination , just that there is a gap of 15 mins in between. One leaves early and the other one later) .I had to buy a ticket too, I bought the ticket and ran and sat in the train in which I noticed there was a driver. The doors were also almost closed but when I ran towards, they opened and I took a deep breath and felt thank god !
Guess what, As soon as I sat in that train, the other train left. Didn't even have the brain to think that I have to check which train had most passengers and if the other one also had the driver. Dumber.

What happens when you are work too much or think too much. We just become quite dumb.
So here is the "Dumbest".
Working on two computers, did Ctrl+C on one, did Ctrl+V on the other.
Dumbestest....wondering for few seconds why it wasn't pasting !

Huh !

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