Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Where am I

Today, I was coming back from work, and I was going to get a ride from my brother to get home.

Well...this has been routine from some days. As usual , I got onto train and my cell phone rang and here goes the conversation.

Bro: "Where are you"
Me : "I am in the train"
Bro : "Where are you?"
Me: Thought in a split second :oh couldn't hear me..."I am in the train"
Bro: WHERE are you ?? (slight irritation in the voice)
Me: Thought...Come on...I told you I am in train..and then realize the emphasis on where..."Oh!! Just crossed blah blah station "

As I was thinking that he should have asked me where the train was ... I remembered this joke and smiled for a minute.
Now, after reading that, don't you think mine was the proper answer :p


author_number_2 Saturday, 20 June, 2009  

hahaha! couldn't stop laughing at the MS joke. nice drawing btw.

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