Tuesday, May 19, 2009


To be successful, one of the key factors is to plan properly..looking ahead !
We are gifted with special qualities that distinguish us as humans.
Ability to think and ability to make decisions.

If we can think well, reason out and make a judgement on what is to be done by us, we will be successful easily.

I used to have a habit of writing a to-do list for the day and finishing them.
I was efficient and atleast felt good about myself at the end of the day.
When I start out the next day , I used to included the pending stuff to the to-do list.What am I doing now.

We all know this already. But too lazy to adapt it.
I read a quote somewhere, something like, "Winning is my habit..failure can also become so". Over a period of time, there is a danger to get so immune to the failures as well.

I read somewhere recently but more or less the gist of what I wrote above about management of time ; which kind of all of us know; also a most important key - to prioritize the tasks within the list.
If we start with the most toughest one instead of postponing it and make it a habit, we will be successful very soon.
Finish the tasks first the then idle away the time! Time and tide wait for none. If only we could go back into past and gain that time again, we can have the luxury of idling away the time. But thats not the case.

Also, may be at the end of the day, I should spend a moment to think if I did anything useful at all, if not for others, atleast for myself.

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