Sunday, June 21, 2009


Lot of things sometimes come to my mind and I just don't know how to express them.

I heard somewhere, a quote, that your true identity is how you behave when you are alone/all by yourself. I think it meant , how do you use your freedom.

When there is nobody to question us..we are not answerable to anyone...parents miles away...this gives a lot of freedom. But how do you utilize that freedom?Aren't we answerable to ourselves though?

There are all kinds of people in the world, who have different kinds of problems. The moment we criticize someone , the first reaction is to abuse the person who does that..well..I don't intend to claim that I am perfect, I am trying to figure out what makes people cheat their spouses, lie to their partners, flirt around ,look out for adventures.
Doesn't their heart tell that they are cheating their respective spouse/girl friend/boy friend?

Some relationships are purely based on trust. There are certain things that your spouse/partner absolutely needs to know. That doesn't mean you are being "answerable". If you think so, that means you don't even understand the relationship at all. Why are these people so fickle at the first place?

Anyways..another thing which I was thinking is about the people who are bound in an unhappy relationship . Their plight is pitiable but what if they are indulging in soliciting a virtual affair with somebody who is already in a relationship? How fair is that? This person already got his/her life screwed up and contributing to another couple's relationship fail.
Don't they ever introspect themselves? Don't they have a heart to which they are accountable and answerable to?

People who knowingly make a crime/bad karma/cheat others can't really get away. Can they? If not them,someone dear to them in the family will surely suffer in some way or the other,due to their bad karma. I am sure there is a cosmic karma bank which will keep track of our good and bad karmas and affect us .


author_number_2 Tuesday, 23 June, 2009  

well, it depends. people might get carried away by trivial fights. it takes years together to build a relationship but few bad moments to destroy it. I've seen many relationships go sour due to some bad moments. the only thing we should be able to manage is those little moments.

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