Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Miles across

Lot of people criticize NRI's for leaving the motherland, parents and living in a far country.

What is bothering me? All I was doing was just walking on the road and bunch of thoughts in my mind.
There is hardly anyone who walks on the road here. How do parents spend time here? None of us are going to be home for the most part of the day except the weekends.
Well what do they do even in India. They see people. There is always someone or the other who visit right from the morning..right from paperboy, milkman, maid and so many others. If we walk on the road, there is always someone who knows us , atleast within the colony.

What are we achieving staying all away from everybody?
This is the age where parents have to relax. They did so much for bringing us up.
Our Indian way of bringing up makes life of parents ,totally dedicated to kids. They never have their own personal life. It always revolves around the kids. And what are we doing?

Personally I have several reasons why I like to stay here in the US but what about parents, grandparents?
Is there a solution where everybody can be happy?
Is there a solution shorten the distances?


Anonymous Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  

It's always a tough choice. But look at it this way, even if you are in India, it's not guaranteed that you will live with your parents. You might be in a different city due to your job or marriage. Of course you will be able to meet them more often, given the distance. Besides most parents, as long as they are healthy would not want to impose on you and choose to lead separate lives, which I feel is also healthy for the relationship. The question of responsibility arises when they are older or not in good health and need someone to care for them. One should think about returning at that time. But if you like it in the US, you should live in the US. I look at it this way, it's my life and I should first do whatever makes me happy and I am sure that's what our parents want for us too. If our parents were not to leave their homes and come to the cities in search of jobs, think what would have happened to us.

Sravya Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  

Hmm .. thats true Rohit.
Thanks for your comment.

author_number_2 Saturday, 20 June, 2009  

i share the same thought that our parents never have private life as its dedicated to children. sadly, i have no answer and also everybody cannot be happy. it takes a sacrifice to build another career. how true that there's no life if there is no challenge or risk!

thanks for the post, it made me think. keep writing.

Sravya Saturday, 20 June, 2009  

:) Thanks

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