Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Meaningful life

Days are just passing by.

Many thoughts as well pass by in the mind.
Wondering what is a meaningful life?
You are born, you spend some significant years in the studies, growing up, learning. You find a job , you get married. Till you are married probably the mind always keeps thinking about the significant other in life. Once you are married , you would think about kids, their upbringing , settling them down, saving money for them. Is this all called a meaningful and successful life?

What if the life isn't that way for some? Does it mean , life isn't meaningful for them?
I know it is all our perspective about life, different people look at life in a different way. But for majority of people in the world, this is how it is, right?

What is a meaningful life? Being able to do your duties well, being successful and being helpful to others? Just a subjective question?


Dreamer Wednesday, 19 August, 2009  

Life is full of choices... It is like a complex labyrinth... What you said is right for most of the people who choose the well trodden path... But it isnt true for all... As for me, meaningful life is having a good career, staying with my family and my friends... and then whatever I could do to improve the society

Sravya Friday, 21 August, 2009  

Cool. Thanks for sharing.

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