Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Random rants

For a man , some men, woman in his life is just a part of his life.
For a woman , some women, anything other than man in her life is just part of life.

Women these days have surely changed, compared to the older generations. But , thanks to the movies, our upbringing, we all grow up , dreaming about our to-be partner. This would also develop a "fantasy" on how we want our partner to be. (How we want him to talk, how we want him to behave and what not)

I was reading recently in a swamiji's article, that when you are in a relationship (this applies to some people who might have issues), it is not two people. It is actually four. Man and his fantasy on how his woman should be, woman and her fantasy on how man should be. So the strain in the relationship starts now when we compare our partner to the fantasy . But also, it is so true, that women from India or women brought up in India pretty much know how to overcome this fantasy and know the person well and love him for what he is and enjoy his company , rather than thinking about the fantasy. The fulfillment that is felt when in the company of that person is a feeling to experience.

As a woman, I can surely state that emotional binding is what a woman looks for in a relationship and the commitment of the man towards the relationship. Anything broken at any time doesn't break the relationship but breaks the heart.

How many really ever experience this kind of fulfullment in someone's presence where you really had no doubt that this is the person I am searching for and want to be with. A joy which you can clearly seperate out from a fantasy?


Dreamer Wednesday, 25 November, 2009  

What u said in the opening lines is a bit partial!! What a person feels about his/her partner is different for different persons irrespective of gender

DAS Wednesday, 25 November, 2009  

first 2 lines reflect d Social norm in our (Indian) society

author_number_2 Thursday, 26 November, 2009  

disagree that its four when two get married. the spouse needs to compliment the other perfectly without wondering about his/her own fantasies. we live in practical world and not in fantasies.

thought provoking!

Dreamer Thursday, 26 November, 2009  

@das I'm just saying that not every woman thinks the way as described in those lines even in an Indian society. The same follows for the man too... u can't generalize such things!! No offense implied!

Sravya Thursday, 26 November, 2009  

@ dreamer and das - I modified some of my statements not to make it general. I too didn't mean to make it general either. Could be true for some and not for others. May not be true at all as well...it could be a total misunderstanding on the part of women.

@dolphin - yeah it is important to complement the partner perfectly but i was referring to people who have some expectations set and when those aren't met, the beginning of differences. Expectations are set in some cases probably because of a fantasy on how we want the other person to be. But if there arent any such pre-set thoughts, it is all about how we adjust ourselves to be happy with the other person and keep that person happy as well.

DAS Thursday, 26 November, 2009  

Looks like,I dint make my point clear. All I am saying is that the first 2 line(before d revision) in the blog reflect what our Indian society expects from each of its members.

I also agree with Dreamer that not every one comply with d expectations

@Sravya: Our blogs give others an insight of how we view this world. if u start changing you blog cos of others comments d whole point is lost ...I wish u dint do that

Sravya Thursday, 26 November, 2009  

@Das - I didn't want to stamp all men in that way. I changed the sentence, not for the comments but I didn't want to generalize it.

I have a very black and white opinion on the world but I am learning to change my opinions slowly as I see the world.

Just because I am in some way, doesn't necessarily mean I represent every woman in world or in india to generalize it.

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