Thursday, January 07, 2010

Why do I find this funny

A serious spec review meeting that I was able to overhear-A pretty nasty one though. But I found it pretty funny towards the end though I felt that the reviewer was thrashing the guy way too much.

Reviewer : You wrote some stuff that cannot be understood by others. Looks like you - yourself do not understand it.

Engineer : No. I understood.

Reviewer: Can you explain.

Engineer : I will figure it out and get back to you.

Reviewer : Then why did you put it in the document.

Engineer: I had to give the document by this day

Reviewer : It is rather better to get stuck than putting something you don't understand. We will review again.
Engineer : Why? I had put a lot more. I want you to see all that.
Reviewer: I don't have my whole day for this - that too something which you made without understanding. Anyways, why didn't you put some state transition diagrams instead of so many pages of explanation.

Engineer : I felt it would not be understood.

The reviewer guy was already irritated highly.

Reviewer: Even monkeys can understand diagrams.

I was amazed by that last stmt. Huh. Well I wasn't part of the conversation, unfortunately, I was just able to hear it from the conference room next to my cube.

Darn..What a stmt..even monkeys can understand state diagrams.

Imagine, you give a state transition diagram to a monkey and monkey even understanding it. Cool isn't it. We could train monkeys to type code as well and put the monkey on job - and we could relax.

Huh...I kinda find that stmt funny as well as I am making sarcastic comments on that.
Wonder why some people are so rude when they review other people's work.
Hmm ..No offense to either of them too...probably they are way too stressed out or the first guy was souding very condescending or the other guy was purposely irritating him, but that stmt was something that I heard this afternoon and still ringing in my head till now; probably because I didn't really expect to hear such thing in a review , though I know of and have been to rude reviews.


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