Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Some days are so hectic.
Had to catch a flight on the weekend and highway totally blocked on the way to the airport. Phew. Should have actually checked the traffic. I feel bad for the incident which caused the highway block for so long.

Somehow this is time I realized that pets are allowed in the flight and people could put a dog in a bag like thing (pet kennel?). Well, I must have noticed a lot of times but never registered in the mind till someone sat with a dog next to me on flight.
I thought of catching up on sleep in the flight but thanks to my fear of dogs, couldn't sleep at all. Well the poor puppy/dog was stuck it its kennel/bag and under the seat but it kept moving its head and I was concerned if it was going to lick my legs or something.
Anyways, travelling isn't fun when it is across timezones and have to immediately work.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I was looking at this link today when it was featured on yahoo main page.
I love to be a student anytime. Who doesn't? Infact I always dreamt to go to a big university, sit in a library , be an aspiring student , do research etc. some extent I am happy enough that I could study here in the US but I feel I should have worked even more hard to get into into a much a bigger and prestigious university. May I still could ?

Wish I could see an IIT campus or another prestigious institution in India as well. Don't know how it is to study there.

I realize I like reading books, obsessed with libraries or bookstores..or may be it is a thirst for knowledge or learning more. Wish I were a researcher or a scientist. If I could control my chronic thoughts and chronic worry, I can probably do some better things.

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