Sunday, July 31, 2011

Can God be seen

I loved this read:

especially this paragraph:

It is God who lends power to our senses, perception to our mind, discernment to our intellect, strength to our limbs; it is through His will that we live and die. But man vainly imagines that he is the actor and the enjoyer. Man is a mere nothing before the Almighty governing Power that directs the movement in the universe.

"It is in a twinkling of an eye, when compared to the unimaginable age of the universe, that empires rise and fall, dynasties rise and perish, the boundaries of the land and the sea wax and wane, and we find a mountain range where there had been a sea and a new sea where there had been a plateau. It is in a twinkling of an eye that we find millionaires become paupers and paupers become millionaires, and a King becomes a wandering exile by a tryst of destiny and a vagrant becomes a King. So many planets are created, sustained and dissolved every moment in this vast universe. Who is behind this gigantic phenomena? It is God and none but the one God, to realise whom one has to give up vanity, the feeling of doership, arrogance and pride; to realise Him one has to surrender oneself entirely to His will, which can be discerned through cultivation of purity, emotional maturity and intellectual conviction; to realise that God one has to efface oneself in toto and feel that one is a mere instrument of His will."

Friday, July 29, 2011

Among who?

It is making me think these days on who do I want to be among, in the work environment.
Among a set of people who know more stuff than me and aspire to be them or to be among a set of people who do not know as much as me and be respected that I know more than them?

Sometimes I feel we would get stagnant if there isn't a need to push ourselves and be updated with technology all the time, if we are with a set of people where it is not necessary.

On the other hand, if we are with a set of people who are way ahead of us, it is a constant battle everyday to work under pressure and to be with a fear of failure.

May be it depends on what phase of life are you in, whether or not you afford to take extra pressure or not.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A few of ..

A few of some strangest wishes of mine :

1) To dub for a telugu heroine in a telugu film (preferably Sekhar Kammula's movie, may be. Well, it is just a strange wish that I know it won't come true. Just that every time I see a movie ..not sekhar garu's but where the heroine can't talk telugu but some dubbing artist who has that irritating voice and talks as though she is learning telugu just then, with that ముద్దు ముద్దు మాటలు irritate me and makes me wonder, I could have atleast spoken and dubbed though I know absolutely nothing about dubbing. And do you want to know why Sekhar garu's movie, just to hope that there are some decent dialogues if at all I ever dub :)

2)One day I will have a big accomplishment and my whole family is there to cheer me and to be proud of me. (May be everyone has this wish/dream)

3)To travel across the world and see certain places such as Paris, London , australia,new zealand, singapore.

4)To be recognized as someone who is intelligent :) (well no I am not dumb right now..but I guess intelligence attracts me and in this context I don't like the rule "opposites attract")

5)To be a full time employee of Microsoft , at-least for sometime.

6)My prince charming comes and surprises me with a bunch of flowers and assures me that he is always mine :">

7)To just be a good house wife.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Silent anthem

Stirs the emotions !

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