Thursday, November 09, 2006

Chain Mails-Jobless/Insane?

What do you do with forwaded messages and emails.
Most of the times I do not do anything with those which ask me to forward to N number of people.

I do not have a problem with forwarded jokes or the ones which are informative,but some of them drive me nuts, which ask me not to break the chain and if I do so, I would get some bad luck or something.
It is beyond my understanding about what pleasure they derive in writing or initiating such messages and spread around.

God ,Please give some better work to these jobless people.

I received this message today.

"if u luv ur dad n want 2 add 10 more yrs 2 his life send this mess 2 100 ppl.dnt break the chain if u really luv ur dad.(sorry even i cudn't ignore)"

Now ,What do I call the person who initiated this and What do I do with this message?


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