Friday, November 03, 2006

Rewarding experience - Student life in the US

When someone calls me a tough girl , I just smile within myself and waves of memories come to my mind.
I think I should attribute everything to my Masters and my student life in US , a very rewarding experience in my life which transformed me from an immature ,sensitive girl to a mature ,tough and confident woman. (atleast,I think so :-) )

I travelled a great distance to do my Masters.
I thought it was going to be a new experience but at the end of it , it was more than a learning experience.Something which I would cherish forever and carry forward through out .
Everything was new....... New country,new educational system, new friends,earning my own money ,living on my own,meeting people who came from different parts of the world.

I learnt and realized many things.
I could realize the sacrifices my parents endured for me. I looked back and realized that everything they did for me was so that I could succeed in life.
I could learn to be strong and tough and deal with problems.

First Summer in US was a golden time for me since I had 3 job offers at the same time but chose to do two.
Working off campus was again a new experince and I felt top of the world when I bagged my very first interview in life.It wasn't a big deal but it appeared to be so at that time .
Working there , a very renowned company gave me exposure to the corporate world and professional people.
I was thinking if that was my all time dream come true.Making something big in the life and making my parents proud about it.I still don't know what I really wanna accomplish in life but I really cherish those times.
Summer work assured me that I don't have to worry much about paying off my fee.

I probably loosened up a little and made friends at that time and new roommates joined and fun times started.
Though everybody had to go through a struggle,we enjoyed the struggle and supported each other in the best and worst of the times.
I miss those times when we all walked home together after a long day at school but still happy at the end of the day with whatever we worked hard, all those days when we used to be awake till 3 in the night under the pretext of studying for the midterm ,but end of talking and gossipping:-)

For the rest of the quarters till the time I graduated , I really worked hard by taking the most tough courses and balanced it well with the oncampus jobs.
Though I used to feel dead by the time i come back home,Though I am just left with less than 100 dollars in the bank account, I had a satisfaction .

Felt very happy on the day I graduated and probably that was the first time when a huge crowd clapped for me.

Had a very tough time when all the friends had to go on their own way .

Student life is the best and this was my best-est :-p no matter how much ever I struggled , I really feel proud that I could do it.
I am more flexible,matured now and I can feel that I can handle a lot of pressure and multiple responsibilities well.
I learnt to be strong and tough mentally .

Totally a rewarding experience and I cherish those memories.


author_number_2 Saturday, 20 June, 2009  

liked your description of us life. i've started here an year ago... lets see what the future holds for me.

Sravya Saturday, 20 June, 2009  

Good luck. We do learn a lot in the student life here :)

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