Monday, November 13, 2006

Children's day

Nov 14th ,Birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,First Prime Minister of India is celebrated as Children's day in India.

One of the fond memories from my childhood and memory associated with children's day was the prize that I won for my drawing in the drawing competition in my school.
I was probably 9 years old at that time.
When I heard that there is this drawing competition on account of Nov 14,I thought that I should draw something apt for the day and I drew a bunch of children standing together forming a circle and a rose in the center.
(Nehru liked children and always wore a rose and wanted to convey that idea symbolically I guess.)

Though I did not win the first prize,I was happy that my idea was liked ,recognized and rewarded.

Lot of memories from the childhood stay with us forever and we do get influenced at that age by our parents and teachers.

But how about children who do not have them?
Whenever I see children begging on the roads or child labor (I know ,we have a law now, not to employ children below 14,but I still doubt if is being followed strictly), it makes me think about what kind of future are they going to have and what if they are exposed to crime?

Would it be possible for the associations working for the children to educate each and every child and make them better citizens of the country?
Just by donating money to such associations,can we really help them out?
Is there something that we can do to shape their future?


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