Friday, May 16, 2008

Dear Blog

One of the posts where I just want to express something out ...
and just choosing the blog to do so because it wouldn't tell me that it doesn't want to listen to me when I want to talk.

Wish blog has a shoulder too !!

I don't exactly know how to express what I want..or do I actually know what I want?

Well, I just remembered some of these lyrics that I liked from the song "Mean a lot" and also this beautiful picture that I loved ! [Source: google]

Give me your arm as we cross the street
A line a day when you're far away
Little things mean a lot
Don't have to buy me diamonds or pearls Champagne, sables,
and such I never cared much for diamonds and pearls '
cause honestly, honey, they just cost money
Give me a hand when I've lost the way
Give me your shoulder to cry on
Whether the day is bright or gray
Give me your heart to rely on
Send me the warmth of a secret smile
To show me you haven't forgot
For now and forever, that's always and ever
Honey, little things mean a lot

I probably get emotional for no reason , at times.
Hmm ..I am no exception.In fact all women are so!!
(Yeah..I am just trying to support and justify myself that is ok to do so)

Anyways..Probably I will smile myself when I read this post tomorrow!
Randomest thoughts..hehe..thanks for listening dear blog!


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