Saturday, May 10, 2008

A picturesque

When we see a beautiful sight, we love it right?
Sometimes I used to think, how does it feel to live in such lovely place.
I don't know if it is for everyone or just me that ..I probably overlook
what I already have currently.

Well..I was coming out of the office on friday evening.Roads were already empty.Looked like everyone went home.
Everything looked so green and nice.
What a beautiful sight.
Don't I realize it everyday or Am I too busy with the other things in mind as always :) that I don't notice some things?
It is the same place, same road,same trees...but I somehow felt it to be picturesque.
Remembered another day when I saw a beautiful sight from the bus, a view of the amazing snow capped hills from a distance .They seemed beautiful that I wanted to see more and more.
World is indeed beautiful .


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