Thursday, May 29, 2008


You must have heard of phrase "Highly inflammable". Few of my close family members find me "Highly irritatable".

Yep...Having said that I am going to blog about some things which irritate me.

There were times that I used to get irritated with many trivial things , as simple as sound of bangles, people chewing food loudly, people talking while having something in the mouth,people overdoing somethings etc.

Now I don't atleast show my irritation on a lot of things. Yeah I am grown up now, learnt to control and not show my irritation.

But still, there are few things which still irritate me.
I wonder why people use headphones for a mp3player or an IPOD when they play it so very loud that a whole bus can hear the songs . Don't they realize it is so loud? And this happens DAILY.
I just couldn't stop myself stare at someone who has been doing this everyday in the bus.
I am not sure, if he understood my stare or he realized himself that he reduced the volume immediately, ofcourse I could still hear the music. Huh.
Well..what is my problem when it isn't affecting me right? Hmm I don't know...Just irritating :

I wonder why some people constantly look into the face when asking something .Yeah awaiting a response from me.But if this is at work and I have to take a look at their computer to investigate and answer, it is quite irritating and annoying to find that person constantly look at my face as though observing each and every atomic particle of my skin , when I am trying to investigate on their machine.Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
How am I supposed to resist my anger and not show my irritation.

Damn...I must confess that I am getting irritated quite a bit.


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