Thursday, January 29, 2009

Guilty and relief

Routine life gets so routine and it looks as though I am busy but I am not sure if I am really busy.

I had to call up few friends and be in touch with them but I kind of avoided (?) at a certain point of time when I had too much stress. ( Well..I should have spoken but if I am stressed , I just don't feel like doing anything or talking to anyone)

So one of such times and I did not call up this friend and several months passed by and whenever I remember about her, I used to feel quite guilty that I haven't called up.

This morning too , somehow I remembered and I was asking that it has been really a while now and with this guilt , I don't even now feel like calling. Somehow , as if there was telepathy, same friend called up in the noon and I felt so relieved after talking to her.I was telling her that "believe it or not, I was really thinking about you today".

How stupid can I get sometimes.
Well whatever it is, I feel so relieved now :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Short weekends

Ah weekends seem so short sometimes..
Can I have one more day as weekend pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.....

Especially if there are parties to attend or hosting at home, time just flies.
I somehow felt tomorrow is sunday..

Technology improved so much..why not someone figure out how to make time go back...Phew...Silly thoughts....Silly goose.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I was feeling defocussed and disoriented today. Is it the mental state..or is it the fatigue.

Wrote a ton of Why's here.But then..whatever it is , I told myself at the end of the day...probably, if you are feeling cranky and defocussed, may be try to brighten up someone else's day.

Make atleast a kid happy or help a needy.
A innocent and a pure smile from a kid too makes us automatically smile. But a cranky behaviour from others make us uneasy even if it is not on you. May they are just having a bad day. We just gotto understand.
Why is it that if someone is dull makes us also dull?
Hmm subconcious mind picks up a lot of stuff from the surrounding too.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A day to be marked in History

A day of celebration, a day of new beginning, a day that will be remembered.
United States now has a new leader. Was there ever such a positive feeling from everyone for one leader? Was there someone who was truly deserving ? Was there a moment so electrifying ? Was there someone on whom there were so many expectations and the whole world welcoming the new change?

One man walked up and 2 million people there standing in such a low temperature, waiting for him to swear in.

I was longing to hear to watch his speech. Glad I could.
What a speech. Not any of the boring ones where there someone is reading a speech out of a paper. A speech where each and every word is said after much thought, each and every word had a meaning , each and every word felt as it was said.

Certainly he is a successful man with a lot of goodwill and I hope this certainly marks a new beginning and that this event be a harbinger of good times and most importantly a betterment in the economy.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday

On your Birthday I wish you the very best
May every minute of your life be filled with peace,joy and happiness.

Best wishes Always,

Salute to the hero

US airways accident in the Hudson river.

The moment I read about the news online, I feared about the passengers. By god's grace and thanks to the pilot, all of them are safe.

The word plane crash itself sends chills to the spine .Isn't it ?
Pilot did a masterful job.
I have always had a fascination about flying planes, a perfect landing of the flights. Landing it in the time of calamity and making sure everyone is safe , Bows to him !!!
What a hero. All the pilots certainly are trained on how to deal with the hazards.
But acting on at that moment , thinking quickly on what should be done next and the decision making , especially when all the lives are stake and saving them is what is important. He made sure all the passengers were safe. And how much was really the time he had?
He made sure he was the last one on board. Well we must have seen these kinds of moments and nail-baiting scenes in the movies but when comes to the real life,
What a presence of mind !!!
What a sense of responsibility !!
Brilliant !

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Din Dhal jaaye

Some of the evenings are so gloomy. More so when I sleep in the afternoon on weekends and get up in the evening. Not sure what that feeling is?

Is it about future?
Is it an empty feeling?
Is it an indifference that nothing really matters to me?
Is it a feeling that I am in a foreign land?
Is it homesickness?
Is it a feeling that I have a routine life?
Is it that today is already over and hardly did anything?

Not sure what it is? Did I ever feel this way in India?
బెంగా,భయమా,అలసటా ,ఒంటరితనమా,విరక్తా,వేదాంతమా?
అర్థం లేని కలవరమా,హైరామా లేక పైత్యమా?
(Inspiration: arere song's lyrics: "అలవాటు లేని పరవశమా,వరమా...") Hahhaaha
Jo bhi ho....అవసరమా అసలు?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Golden globe golden moment

A.R. Rahman, First Indian to receive golden globe award. Wow..

Did you watch him walk up the stage receive the award. He is so humble and simple !

It is absolutely delighting to see any Indian winning a prestigious award, be it Rahman now, winning the golden globe or Abhinav Bindra winning the gold medal in the olympics.

Is this called patriotism to love to see the way our Indian flag flying high?
Well I am not sure what it is but , Awesome !
Awesome to see the simplicity and confidence and humbleness in the winners.

Hope we have many many such "golden Indian moments" in the future.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How genuine?

This is probably an absolute random ridiculous over- thought... a day, how much are we really genuine is what I was thinking.

Doesn't necessarily mean anything serious...

Just something as simple as a smile and good morning that we say to a co-worker.

Sometimes we might be in a bad mood...but when we come across people at work, we do have to smile and if we need to get into conversation, and try to be as pleasant as we can be.

Also, the discussions sometimes, whether or not you like or want to, just that sometimes, at work , we can't avoid but talk..nothing to do with work, but general stuff like about a car or politics or gossip about another co-worker or anything for that matter.

Why do I take things so seriously and feel so stressful if it isn't coming from heart but just faking it? Why can't I tell myself sometimes that it is just a way to socialize and nothing to do with faking or being genuine.... an overthinking person...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

మీరే భాష లో ఆలోచిస్తారు?

Do thoughts have a language? :)

I keep thinking if this thought itself is crazy..but anyways..sometimes I do realize that I am thinking/talking to myself/thinking? in english..sometimes in hindi..sometimes in Telugu.
Not sure if it is the context, subject that makes my mind to choose to "think" in a so and so language :)

మరి మీరే భాష లో ఆలోచిస్తారు? :)

Thursday, January 01, 2009

ఆంగ్ల సరికొత్త సంవత్సరం

అప్పుడే కొత్త సంవత్సరం వచ్చేసింది గా...ఇంకా మొన్ననే అసలు 2007 ది introspection blog మీద రాసినట్టుంది...
భగవదనుగ్రహం ఉండాలి అని కోరుకుంటూ ఇంకో సంవత్సరం లోకి అడుగు పెడుతున్నా....

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