Saturday, January 10, 2009

How genuine?

This is probably an absolute random ridiculous over- thought... a day, how much are we really genuine is what I was thinking.

Doesn't necessarily mean anything serious...

Just something as simple as a smile and good morning that we say to a co-worker.

Sometimes we might be in a bad mood...but when we come across people at work, we do have to smile and if we need to get into conversation, and try to be as pleasant as we can be.

Also, the discussions sometimes, whether or not you like or want to, just that sometimes, at work , we can't avoid but talk..nothing to do with work, but general stuff like about a car or politics or gossip about another co-worker or anything for that matter.

Why do I take things so seriously and feel so stressful if it isn't coming from heart but just faking it? Why can't I tell myself sometimes that it is just a way to socialize and nothing to do with faking or being genuine.... an overthinking person...


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