Thursday, January 29, 2009

Guilty and relief

Routine life gets so routine and it looks as though I am busy but I am not sure if I am really busy.

I had to call up few friends and be in touch with them but I kind of avoided (?) at a certain point of time when I had too much stress. ( Well..I should have spoken but if I am stressed , I just don't feel like doing anything or talking to anyone)

So one of such times and I did not call up this friend and several months passed by and whenever I remember about her, I used to feel quite guilty that I haven't called up.

This morning too , somehow I remembered and I was asking that it has been really a while now and with this guilt , I don't even now feel like calling. Somehow , as if there was telepathy, same friend called up in the noon and I felt so relieved after talking to her.I was telling her that "believe it or not, I was really thinking about you today".

How stupid can I get sometimes.
Well whatever it is, I feel so relieved now :)


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