Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Arranged marriages and generation gaps

A post in an irritated mood . Do not read beyond as you might not like it. Excuse my language.
As much as I like our traditions, sometimes I really think we should try to be willing to move with the generation.
I really don't know how to verbalize what I am thinking.

There were days when women also were confined to the home and marriages were decided by the parents/elders in the family. Girl was never asked if she is willing to meet the guy , well leave alone meeting, the whole decision of marrying that guy is made without even informing her.

Girls are always brougt up in a way that she listens to elders, respects elders, adjusts easily for everything, give in for everything, do not talk to guys ,mind her business, if she needs to go anywhere, just go with someone she knew.
It is called a good brought-up.
Hmm but how fair is that you send away this girl with someone who is completely a stranger to her . How fair is that this decision is not made by her at all.
It is an issue of prestige to the parents. But how about her whole life with that guy. You can argue that parents will always mean good to the children, but do you ask what she wants?

Gone are those days now. Why should we do the drama of dressing up the girl and exhibiting her to a bunch of people who come and stare her from top to toe. So humiliating. It is not your generation. We don't want to be exhibits.
What a official "checkout the girl" programme!!!.

And what do I call these guys who just come with parents and keep smiling and do not even want to talk to the girl at all. They think they are being good sons if they say, I have nothing to talk. If my parents are ok, I am ok too. Wow...wonderful. These #$^& (sorry) don't even realize that the girl also has some expectations and she also needs to approve him. Why do these guys think so high of themselves. Does it have to be Yes if he says Yes.
And what do I call the guys who say they don't even know what to talk. HOw Dumb!Dude, You are not even ready to get married ;you don't even know what is getting into relationship. Just like you have a car, a house, you want a wife?

Why does girl's family also act like we got to be extremely obedient to the guy's family. Tell me one valid reason. I think you have to be polite enough , as you are with others;no need of additional drama to satisfy their ego and boost it up.
Why do they overrule all the expectations of the girl.
Why not let her take her decision and god-forbid if at all, let her repent for her decision than repent for their decisions made for her own life.
How can you be so mean asking to meet someone for less than an hour and spend life with that fellow.
Don't you know a known devil is better than an unknown angel?

Monday, March 23, 2009

My random freehand drawings

Randow free hand drawings with paintbrush

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thoughts on thoughts

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.
- Swami Vivekananda

Hmm thoughts indeed travel far. But thoughts are free !!

Travel far, Hmm..Is that why we get so tired, just by thinking :)

Image courtesy: Google's search engine

Monday, March 09, 2009

Another random

Concentrating and studying seem to be so tough. Attention span reducing considerably.
Another drawing before I get back to study.

ఒక చింపిరి అమ్మాయి

A random drawing just to cool off my head.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Dream away

I get too many dreams and worst/best part is that I remember most of them.
This is what I mentioned to a doctor in grad school health center once and she was like , "Why don't you go for counselling" :)
When I said that to roommates , they were laughing and said that the doctor thinks you have a mental problem ;)

Well these days, I think I am little better, as in I forget them. But I do get many dreams. One after the other.
How do people get sound sleep , I wonder.
I even envy folks who say that they wouldn't know what happened after they hit the bed.I rarely get such sleep.

External noises as well sometimes mix up so well into my dreams . If there is a sound downstairs or something it would blend quite well into the dream as if someone is knocking my door or something.
Most of the times it is like , neither I am fully asleep nor fully awake.

Oflate, I dream that I am climbing up and down the stairs quite a bit.
Up the stairs and with no rails side ways and the stairs have a lot of gap in between and I am struggling to climb up.
In the same dream, somewhere at the starting, I see that I was climbing down and just before reaching down, I had to jump because there were some steps missing.
Sometimes I see some new random faces and people and sometimes I dream as though I am cycling or driving a car, or climbed on mount everest or saw a space shuttle or I am flying without wings and what not.

I even bought a book called "Interpretaion of dreams" by Sigmund Freud but somehow it had too many annotations that I lost interest in reading much.

Anyways..some random post amidst stupid posts.
By any chance if you haven't come to a conclusion, this post should enlighten you enough that I am little nutty :)
Image courtesy: google

Monday, March 02, 2009


Somebody probably rightly said once that expectations screwup everything. But how about in a romantic relationship? Is it possible not to have any expectations in a relationship at all. Do we have boundaries here too?
I know we need to understand each other in such relationship and behave accordingly. But is it too childish to feel we have right on the other person? Is too childish to be concerned(?) on partner's health? Is it too much to ask anything? Is it too much to feel having a right in partner's life?
Being childish?
Am I not understanding the difference between possessiveness and ?
Too incriminating to feel or express emotional dependence?
Is companionship not for a life time?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

What are bad times?

Dear Blog,

What are bad times?

When everyone who means a lot to you ask you not to talk. When everyone acts wierd to you.
What should you do?
Feeling helpless and unwanted is the worst feeling to get into.

Every time I get into this, if I try to talk, I would even more disliked.
What did I do?
Isn't there a difference between asking and questioning ...Hmm what is really wrong with me?
I feel so insecure now to even talk.
What if I am yelled on? What if I am asked not to talk forever? I am not ready to hear that. Why am I so sensitive?

Where do I go wander the whole day and what should I do now . Go back where and anticipate what?

Is this what i felt on friday that I don't want to go home.
Yeah I don't want to.

And if I am upset and angry....am not even supposed to share and show to anyone.
Just deal with it? Why bother others? Is that what you feel if someone expresses it to you?

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