Sunday, March 01, 2009

What are bad times?

Dear Blog,

What are bad times?

When everyone who means a lot to you ask you not to talk. When everyone acts wierd to you.
What should you do?
Feeling helpless and unwanted is the worst feeling to get into.

Every time I get into this, if I try to talk, I would even more disliked.
What did I do?
Isn't there a difference between asking and questioning ...Hmm what is really wrong with me?
I feel so insecure now to even talk.
What if I am yelled on? What if I am asked not to talk forever? I am not ready to hear that. Why am I so sensitive?

Where do I go wander the whole day and what should I do now . Go back where and anticipate what?

Is this what i felt on friday that I don't want to go home.
Yeah I don't want to.

And if I am upset and not even supposed to share and show to anyone.
Just deal with it? Why bother others? Is that what you feel if someone expresses it to you?


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